Erasmus+ KA2 project

Be Smart,

Be tolerant

The  project aims to develop a training kit for young people and youth workers to help them better respond to the challenges generated by the phenomenon of spreading fake news.

Project “Be smart, be tolerant! (BEST)” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The project number: 2022-2-RO01-KA220-YOU-000099705


project objectives

These objectives collectively aim to address the challenges posed by fake news by building the capacities of youth workers and instilling responsible behavior in young people. 


Capacity Building for Youth Workers within Partnership

Enhancing the competences of 12 youth workers from partner organizations through transnational learning and exchange activities. 

Fostering Responsible Behavior Among Young People

Cultivating responsible behavior in at least 60 young people by implementing national workshops in partner countries.

Empowering Youth Workers Beyond the Partnership

Empower 40 youth workers from organisations not directly involved in the partnership by equipping them with skills to combat fake news .


Raising Awareness Among Young People

Generate awareness among at least 1000 young people about the dangers associated with the spread of fake news through national awareness campaigns.

Establishing a BEST Network

Create the BEST network at the European level, uniting organizations actively engaged in youth education with a shared focus on combating fake news.


Developing BEST Toolkit

Develop a toolkit allowing youth workers to teach youth to learn how to identify fake news and limit its spread through social media sites.

Fighting Deception, Promoting Truth: Unmasking Fake News Together

The BEST project aims to increase the capacity of youth workers to carry out activities that develop young people’s skills to identify fake news and motivate them to get involved in combating this phenomenon.





Skills development

The project is dedicated to fostering a spectrum of essential skills crucial for navigating the complex landscape of information and combating the pervasive influence of fake news.

 Central to our mission is the development of critical thinking abilities among youth workers and youth, empowering them to assess information critically, discern credible sources, and evaluate the reliability of news content. Additionally, we aim to cultivate a sense of active citizenship, inspiring youth workers and youth to play an active role in their communities by promoting responsible information-sharing practices and contributing to a more informed society.

  • Critical thinking
  • Active citizenship
  • Media literacy

Latest news

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Kick off meeting in Târgu Jiu, Romania

Kick off meeting in Târgu Jiu, Romania

At the beginning of April 2023, representatives from project partner organisations immersed themselves in the picturesque city of Targu Jiu, Romania, for a kick-off meeting as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 "Be Smart, Be Tolerant" project. The project has gathered 4...

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